Stay – Sit position

Days 1 & 2 Start with the dog sitting in heel position. Adjust the collar so that it is high and snug, at the top of their neck, with the active ring coming straight up between their ears. Put all of the leash in the left hand and fold up the excess leash so that […]

Heel and Sit

“Heel” is a position in relation to the handler, where the dog’s front legs line up with the handler’s front legs. In order to teach heel, the dog must also know “Sit.” The sit command allows us to break heeling up in to small pieces so that the dog can succeed. Walking Position This is […]

Longe Line Work

You will be walking between two points for this exercise, 40-50 feet apart. Your dog should be on a 15 ft long line, and be wearing a properly fitted martingale or choke chain. The goal: keep your dog within a 3 ft radius of your left hip. Start standing on the leash close to your […]

The Long Down Exercise

The long down (or Sit on the Dog) exercise is something we teach each and every dog that comes through out basic obedience classes and lessons. It is the one exercise that makes dogs most livable, in my opinion. It establishes some basic manners and sets the tune for other training sessions. Our short term […]


Stand/Stay Place the dog in a stand in heel position. Return leash to walking positing. Place palm of left hand in front of dog’s face and give the command to “stay.” Step off with your right foot and walk in a counterclockwise circle around your dog. Stop when you return to heel position. Praise your […]

Down Instructions

Down Start with the dog sitting in heel position. Command the dog to “down” Apply gentle downward pressure on the collar, and guide the dog into a down position with a treat. Once both elbows have touched the ground, reward the dog. Exercise Finish What if my dog won’t eat treats? If your dog is […]