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Trained Dogs Have More Fun!


Place can be taught with any defined area. It must look and feel different than the surrounding surfaces. It is easier to start with a place that is slightly raised, to make it more obvious to the dog.

  • Approach the place from any side.
  • Take your left hand past your dog’s face, gesturing towards the place. As you pass your dog’s face, grab the leash and guide them into the place.
  • All four feet must remain in place.
  • Maintain a loose leash and back away from your dog.
  • Release your dog with a “come” command, “heel” command, or a release command (like “ok”).

Repeat 20 times a day. Add distractions and duration to the place command.

What if my dog leaves place?

Repeat the place command and put them back on place as quickly as possible.

What if my dog is afraid of place, and won’t go on at all?

You can entice them onto the place the first few times with treats. Praise them for putting any feet on it at first, then two feet, etc. If they are too afraid to take treats, or get partially on place, try a different object and come back to that one at a later date.

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