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leash free living blog
Trained Dogs Have More Fun!


Manual Stand

  • Start with your dog sitting in heel position.
  • Adjust the collar high and snug so that the collar is at the top of the dog’s neck, and the running links are coming out of the right side of your dog’s face, by their cheek.
  • Place your right hand on the running links of the dog’s collar, palm down, knuckles forward.
  • Place your left hand on the dog’s shoulders, and slowly slide down their back and underneath their belly to lift them into the stand position.
  • Let go of the dog’s collar, and reposition your hands in walking position with the leash.
  • Do an “Exercise Finish”

Repeat at least 25 times a day, slowly adding duration to the time when the dog is standing, before doing the Exercise Finish.

What if my dog breaks position?

If your dog sits, lays down, or walks away, replace them manually in the stand. There is no correction. You may have to replace them a number of times before they hold the position.

Cookie Stand

  • Start with the dog sitting in front of you.
  • Place a treat in front of your dog’s face at nose level.
  • Move the treat back and forth in front of your dog’s face, towards their ribs in both direction. Encourage them verbally to follow the food with the “get it” command.
  • When the dog moves into the stand position to follow the treat, give them the treat.
  • Repeat until the dog is immediately standing when prompted.

Do not say “Stand” until the reliably pop up into the stand position from the sit on the first try.

Repeat at least 50 times a day.

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