Daycare + Training
Leash Free Living has a small, intimate, training-based Daycare offered at both our Annapolis & Millersville facilities. We are open Monday – Friday from 7:00 am – 7:00 pm and are reservation-only.
During our Day Training Enrichment Daycare program, dogs participate in structured play time, a daily training activity, and a group training session. Dogs receive report cards daily that include photos and a video!
Our Dog School program runs alongside our Day Training program at both locations. In addition to participating in our Day Training Daycare activities, dogs enrolled in this program receive 90 minutes of one-on-one time with a trainer each day to work on their specific training goals. Dog School has limited availability – Scroll down to the Dog School section of this page for more details!
In both programs, training and manners are reinforced throughout the day while we encourage appropriate levels of play, practice fitness exercises, and engage them in the group training activities. All dogs must be crate trained to attend our daycare.
Individual training sessions can be added on for your dog while they are at daycare if you would like to work on specific homework, learning new skills, or problem areas. Dogs enrolled in our Dog School program can even be booked for a Field Trip if you’d like your dog to have an off-site adventure!
Reservations are required to receive the following rates.
Canine Compatibility Rating (Required for all New Clients for the first visit): $100
All Clients:
- $50/Single Day with Reservation
- $450 10-Day Package ($45/day)
- $55/Day for Drop-In Day Training/No Reservation
Training Program Graduates:
- $800 20-Day Package ($40/day)
This package is only available to dogs enrolled in/graduated from one of our training programs (Private Lesson Packages, Group Classes, Tag Along, or Dog School — Puppy Private Lessons not included). Please contact us directly to purchase!
Additional Rates
Individual Add-on Training Session $20
Nail Trim & Grind (Millersville Only) $15
Treadmill (10 min) $10

Dogs will work in and around the other daycare dogs, and will train as a group. Group stays, place, tricks, recalls, etc.
At our Annapolis location, dogs will be leash walked several times throughout the day for potty breaks and it’s a great opportunity to reinforce good leash manners! Our Millersville guests enjoy our fenced yards for potty breaks.
Dogs may take a stroll on the treadmill, navigate tunnels & teeter-totters, balance on balance discs, etc.
Dog-friendly dogs will enjoy group play sessions with other daycare dogs, in small, highly supervised and curated playgroups. Play time is indoors-only at Annapolis, or in our fenced yards at Millersville (weather permitting).
- Check out our blog post about Structured Play at Day Training.
While all the dogs get some level of one-on-one attention throughout the day, you can request an additional individual training sessions to be added on to your dog’s Day Training day for $20 to work on specific skills — such as basic obedience, loose leash walking, crate training, polite greetings, etc.
For $15, you can schedule a nail trim & grind for your dog while they play at Daycare. If your dog needs help learning to tolerate nail trims calmly and safely, a $20 training fee may be added while we work on acclimating your dog to accept the nail trimming process without excessive restraint.
We can take your dog’s individual training session on the road! If your dog needs work around certain distractions, or needs a change of scenery, sign them up for a field trip! Spots are limited.
Drop Off : Any time after 7:00 am. We recommend that dog’s arrive before 10:00 am to ensure they have the opportunity to participate in all of the day’s activities. Dog School Dogs must arrive by 9am.
Pick Up: Any time before 7:00 pm. Dog School dogs should stay until 5pm unless prior arrangements are made, so we have adequate time to finish their training sessions. We try to complete all of our daycare training activities by 3:00 pm each day. Let us know if you plan to pick up before then so we can make sure your dogs training exercises are completed in time.
Dog School
Send your dog to school! Dogs in this program will receive 90 minutes of one-on-one time with a LFL Instructor each day to work on their specific training goals. Training goals could include basic obedience, specialty training (fitness, sports, tricks), socialization, advanced obedience, behavior modification, crate training, field trips etc.
Leash Free Living Dog School is offered at both locations, but may include training off-site as well, when appropriate. Dog School is run from 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday – Friday by our LFL Instructors. Pick up and drop off can be anytime before or after those times with the Day Training staff.
Private lessons for instruction on what your dog is learning must be purchased and scheduled separately if paying for Dog School days individually. We highly recommend our 3 week Dog School Bundle that includes private lesson instruction if you and your dog are new to our programs. See below for details.
Drop off between 7:00 am and 9:00 am
Pick up between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm
An alternative to a traditional board-and-train program, you can enroll your dog in a 3 week Dog School program to complete their basic training. Leash Free Living Instructors will train your dog throughout the day, and they can still come home with you each night. 30 minute lessons will be done each week to prepare you to utilize what your dog has learned and maintain their training while home with you.
Includes: 15 dog school days, three 30 minute lessons for each week, one 1 hour follow up lesson after completion of the program, daily report cards about your dog’s progress, access to our virtual training platform, and any necessary collars/leads for maintaining training at home.
Dog School Daily Rate: $100/day
3 week Dog School Bundle: $1700