LFL Certified Behaviorist
Jayna has been working professionally with dogs since 2009. She started her career managing a large boarding kennel and day care, and became certified to teach Pet CPR and First Aid. When she rescued an aggressive Pit Bull (Star) that was abandoned at the kennel, she discovered that she loved rehabilitating dogs and using training to make dogs better companions.
Star made great improvements training with Jayna and after that rehabilitation was able to pass the Canine Good Citizen test. Jayna then fostered a Toy Poodle that had spent years in a puppy mill. He had extreme noise sensitivity, was anxious and shut down in new environments, and was not potty trained. That dog was also able to pass the Canine Good Citizen exam after his rehabilitation and was successfully adopted into a new home.
- Star (Pit Bull): Canine Good Citizen
- Cleveland (Toy Poodle): Canine Good Citizen
- Yoshi (Beauceron Mix): Rally Novice Title, Rally Advanced Title, Rally Excellent Title, Rally Champion (RACH), Companion Dog Title, Companion Dog Excellent Title
- Zuko (Beauceron): Rally Novice Title, Rally Advanced Title, Rally Excellent Title, Rally Champion (RACH), Companion Dog Title, Companion Dog Excellent Title
- Crumble (Tibetal Spaniel): Rally Novice Title, Rally Advanced Title
Jayna has three dogs. Yoshi and Zuko are both preparing to enter the Utility Dog ring this year. Crumble is the newest addition. He has plans to finish his Rally Excellent Title, and Companion Dog Titles soon!
Jayna joined the Leash Free Living team in 2013 and has completed our Certified Trainer, Instructor and Behaviorist programs. Jayna is our lead instructor for behavior cases, and advanced classes, and is a mentor to other LFL Trainers and Instructors.