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Trained Dogs Have More Fun!

Introduction to E-collar Work

E-Collar Longe Line

You will be walking between two points for this exercise. Those points should be 40-50 feet apart. Start in a quiet place. Your dog should be on a 15 ft long line, and be wearing a properly fitted e-collar of an approved brand. Set the e-collar to your dog’s lowest working level.

The goal: keep your dog within a 3 ft radius of your left hip.

Start standing on the leash close to your dog. The dog should have enough slack to stand comfortably next to you, but not much else.

Step off with your left foot and head towards your first end point. If your dog leaves the 2 foot radius before reaching the point, make a turn in the opposite direction of your dog and hold the continuous button of the e-collar. Once the dog is moving in your direction, continue towards the original end point and adjust the e-collar back to your dog’s lowest working level. When you reach the end point, stand on the line again. Choose a new end point and begin again.

What if the dog doesn’t respond to the e-collar initially?

If the dog doesn’t respond initially to the e-collar and you reach the end of the leash before your dog starts to return to you, freeze. Do not pull the dog with the leash or create more slack. Stand still and maintain some light tension in the line. Turn the e-collar up to the next level, and hold the continuous button again. Repeat until the dog moves towards you. If your dog struggles at this level, you can add some verbal encouragement to get them to move closer to you.

What if there are distractions?

Continue like normal. Do make an effort to keep your dog from reaching the distractions as doing so will be a reward to them for leaving you. Be prepared to turn the e-collar up higher than your dog’s normal working level (through the steps mentioned above). The higher the distractions, the “louder” the e-collar needs to be in order for them to hear it.

Keep these sessions short (15-20 minutes, and practice in various locations throughout the week. You should find that your dog becomes more sensitive to the e-collar. If your dog is reacting to the collar with a flinch or jump, or vocalization, it is TOO HIGH. You lowest working level on day one may be different (lower) later in the week.

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