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leash free living blog
Trained Dogs Have More Fun!

E-Collar Placing

Start with your dog on a 6 ft leash. Your e-collar should be set to your dog’s normal working level.

Stand 3 ft away from a place object. Ask your dog to place and hold down the constant button on the e-collar. As soon as your dog moves towards place, release the button. If they make it all the way onto the place, praise, release and repeat. If they only make it half way onto the place, or get immediately off of place, repeat the place command and hold the constant button down again.

Once the dog is on place, the floor is lava. Any time the dog gets a foot or more off of place, hold down the constant button and also help them to get back into position on the object.

When initially teaching place, I try not to use the e-collar to reinforce the recall command (during place sessions) to prevent confusion. Once the dog is proficient at both uses of the e-collar, you can use the e-collar for multiple commands in a single session.

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