leash free living blog
Trained Dogs Have More Fun!

E-Collar Longe Line Work

Now that your dog has been introduced to what an e-collar feels like, and how it may be incorporated into training, it is time to generalize the use of the e-collar. The next step I like to take after using the e-collar with the come command is longe line. To complete this step, you will need to work outside in an open area, and have your dog on a longe line (15-20ft long).

Our goal with longe line is to get our dog to voluntarily walk in heel position when we move purposefully away from them.

Start by standing on the line next to your dog. The e-collar should be set to your dogs normal working level. Have the longe line in one hand, and the ecollar in the other.

Pick a destination that is at least 40 ft away and move there purposefully. If your dog moves with you along your left side, do nothing until you reach the goal, then stand on the leash again and repeat.

As soon as your dog moves out of position at your left side, make a turn that is equal and opposite of them and begin holding the constant button on the e-collar. Continue holding until your dog moves toward you (even a single step counts). When they are on the way back to you, meet them in the middle and continue towards your destination.

If you reach the end of the line before your dog turns to follow you, simply stop at the end of the leash, facing away from your dog (to encourage them to come back to heel position). We do NOT want the leash to correct or pull the dog around. We want them to respond primarily to the e-collar and not to collar pressure. The leash is here only to keep our dog from making gross mistakes (like running away or chasing a squirrel), it is a back up only.

If your have reached the end of the line and your dog is still not turning towards you, release the button, increase the stim level and hold the button down again. Repeat until your dog moves toward you to heel position. As soon as your dog moves towards you, return to their normal working level.

Continue this exercise until your dog is walking nicely at heel position most of the time.

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