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leash free living blog
Trained Dogs Have More Fun!

Coming When Called

Recall (“Come”)

The recall is a position in relation to the handler. On the command to “come,” the dog should sit in front of the handler, facing them.

Formal Recall

  • Start with you dog six feet away from you. They can be on a place command, or in a sit/stay.
  • Stand facing the dog, at the end of the leash.
  • Give the command “come.”
  • Praise the dog continuously as they move toward you.
  • When the dog is within two feet, give the command to “sit” and guide them into position with the leash if necessary.
  • Give the command to “stay.”
  • Walk in a counterclockwise circle around your dog to get back into heel position.
  • Praise the dog.
  • Exercise Finish

What if my dog does not come, or comes slowly?

After giving the command to “Come,” if your dog does not come to you, or comes slowly to you, back up and reel them in with the leash. Your motion and the leash pressure should speed them up.


Random Recall

This is a slightly harder version of recall than the formal recall. You will follow the same steps as the formal recall, but instead of starting with your dog in a sit/stay or place, you will allow your dog to get six feet from you and become distracted. They can be sniffing, they could be wandering, they could be playing with another dog, they could be trying to greet the neighbors, etc.

Random recalls work best if there is NO leash pressure prior to giving the command “come.” That means you may have to follow your dog around a bit, and create slack to prevent tension in the leash.


Come Front Game

  • Start sitting on the edge of a chair, with your knees apart.
  • Give the command “come”
  • Guide your dog in between your knees with a treat, and prompt them to sit.
  • Once your dog is sitting directly in front of you, move to face a new direction in the chair.
  • In the new position, command the dog to “come” again.
  • Guide them with a treat to face you and sit between your knees again.
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