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Private Lessons
(for puppies and dogs 5 months and older)

Private lessons can be done in home, or at our location. Private lessons are completely customizable. We can work on a new skill, address a behavior problem, complete our Basic Obedience program, learn advanced skills, or do a little bit of everything. Lessons are 60 minutes long.

Our six week long programs are designed to cover all necessary foundation work. Foundation work includes teaching your dog to relax by your side in all situations, to pay attention at all times, to heel (walk without pulling), to sitstanddown, and to hold a stay in all three positions, to come when called, and to place (go-to-your-spot). Programs can be customized and prioritized to work on behaviors that are most important to you and your dog.

Lessons can be schedule at either our Annapolis location, Millersville location, or in your home (within 30 minutes of either facility).

All lesson packages include access to our Virtual Training Platform. The new client packages include a 6′ slip lead in both the 3 and 6 lesson package, and a 15′ slip lead with the 6 lesson package.

Looking for puppy training?
(<5 months old)

Puppy Private Lesson Package $300
